Church motto for 2023
"Live as Salt and Light!"
Matthew 5:13-14
We must all keep the beautiful world that God created beautifully.
We want to be salt and light to the ends of the world with
the love of Christ.
We reach out where help is needed and run to the light where
there is darkness.

"Healthy Church for Expansion of God's Kingdom"
"Blessed Church for Pleasure of God's Heart"
We want to be the Lord's church that obeys
the commandments of love and the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
A church that expands the kingdom of God through soul salvation A healthy church that cares for
souls with love
We want to be a church where happiness that makes God's heart rejoice.
“The disciple who boasts about the gospel of the cross of Jesus!
A missionary worker who changes the world!"
After being trained as disciples of Jesus who boast of the gospel of the cross of Jesus Christ, we want to live a life of missionary workers serving for the change of the world.

우리 교회는...
재생산 하는 교회
영혼구원/양육, 제자/지도자(목사)를 세우는 재생산에 집중
먼저 섬기는 교회
각종 모임 (목장, 성경공부, 행사, 수련회)에서 섬김