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Let’s make Jesus known among the nations.
The greatest problem in the world is lostness. The only solution to this problem is the gospel. Together, Southern Baptists send IMB missionaries to be steadfastly present among people and places where Jesus is not named or known.
IMB missionary presence cultivates gospel access, gospel belief, and church planting and multiplication
The IMB’s vision is not
ours to fashion.
“God has given His vision to the church. That vision, expressed so clearly in Revelation 7:9 of a multitude of every language, people and tribe and nation, is His vision.” — Dr. Paul Chitwood
가상 선교 답사
5월 18일 목요일
오후 9시 동부, 오후 6시 태평양, 오후 3시 하와이
다음과 같은 현장 분반 모임이 있습니다:
미얀마 | 태국 (MM | TH)
싱가포르 | 말레이시아 | 브루나이 (SG | MY | BN)
인도네시아 | 동 티모르 (ID | TL)
필리핀 | 남태평양 (PH | South Pacific)
캄보디아 | 라오스 | 베트남 (KH | LA | VN)
중국 | 대만 | 몽골 (CN | TW | MN)
세계화 (Globalization)
한국 (KR)
일본 (JP)
디지털 사역 (Digital Ministry)
일반적인 질문들 (General Questions)
의료선교 (Medical Missions)
여러분도 선교사가 될 수 있습니다 (Be a Missionary)
성경 사역 (Bible Ministry)
SEND Relief 프로젝트 (Relief Projects)
학생 사역 (Student Ministry)
도시 사역 (City Ministry)
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